Schönbrunn Palace concert tickets
Tickets and events

Schönbrunn Palace concert tickets

Free cancellation
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Why you’ll love this…
  • Immerse yourself in the wonderful music of Mozart and Strauss
  • Enjoy an unforgettable evening at the unique setting of the Orangerie of Schönbrunn Palace
  • Listen to the performance of the Schönbrunn Palace Orchestra
What to expect

Enjoy a fine selection of masterful music by Mozart and Strauss, rounded off with two vocal singers, at the Orangery of Schönbrunn Palace. One of the most famous orchestras in Vienna awaits you at the fully renovated Palace Orangery, where Mozart himself played in 1786, to perform the most beautiful tunes of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss.

In the first part, you will listen to some of the most marvelous overtures, arias, and duets from the operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, including 'Le Nozze di Figaro' and many others. The most popular operetta arias, waltzes, and polkas of the 'King of the waltz' Johann Strauss will comprise the second part. Two opera singers accompany the orchestra.

Enjoy this splendid evening of elegance, music, sing, and dance, which will most certainly be among your favorite memories of Vienna! Thanks to the enormous interest, concerts will take place on additional dates not only at the Orangery but also at the Great Gallery inside the main building of Schönbrunn Palace.

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What's included
  • check Concert ticket
What's not included
  • x_not_included Cloakroom fee
  • x_not_included Program

Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, 1130 Vienna, Austria

Meeting point:
The entrance to the Orangery Schönbrunn is located directly opposite the metro station U4 "Schönbrunn”. (300 meters left from the main gate to Schönbrunn Palace). You can download the map of the Orangery and Schönbrunn Palace here.
What to remember

Know in advance:

  • Categories A, B, C, and VIP of the concert tickets refer to the concert seat. You can look at the seating plan here. VIP ticket holders receive a personalized and access to the exclusive VIP Lounge in the entrance area of the Orangery Schönbrunn as well as a glass of sparkling wine at the bar during the intermission
  • Please note that you can collect your concert tickets from the Ticket Office Orangerie during office hours: Every day from 10.00am to 6.30pm, or at the box office until 8pm
  • After the concert has ended, there will be sufficient taxis available at the entrance to the Orangery Schönbrunn. The underground leaves in five to eight-minute intervals until midnight
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WKE Konzert- & Eventveranstaltungs GmbH | Schloss Schönbrunn Konzerte
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 3 days before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience


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