Tulum Private Tour with a Local Guide and Maya Community Visit
Excursions & day trips

Tulum Private Tour with a Local Guide and Maya Community Visit

Based on 7 reviews
Free cancellation
Language: German, Spanish, English, French, Dutch
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: from 4 hours to 8 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • You'll discover the ruins of the historic Maya city of Tulum on a private tour
  • There's a stop to see the temples of the Frescoes, the Descending God and the Winds
  • Admiring the clifftop El Castillo pyramid and looking out over the Caribbean
  • The chance to visit a modern Maya community to meet the locals and swim in a cenote
  • Your tour is led by an expert local guide with an unrivalled knowledge of Tulum and its history
What to expect

This exclusive private tour ensures you'll be one of the first visitors through the gates to explore the Yucatan's best-preserved archaeological site – the ancient ruins of Tulum. A guided tour is followed by a visit to a Maya community. What's more, you'll get to take a dip in a cenote, too. Benito, one of our local guides, says, ‘Most of Tulum dates from the two centuries before Spanish colonisation, so it's a final snapshot of a doomed civilisation. Among the many things you'll learn is the symbolism behind the deities carved into the temples.'

First up, explore the remains of Tulum. Your expert guide will give show you temples of the Frescoes, the Winds and more. And then there's El Castillo pyramid, whose clifftop location overlooking the Caribbean saw it double as a lighthouse. Nowadays, it's made for Instagram – it's the most photographed location in the Riviera Maya. Gustavo, another of our local guides, says, ‘Tulum is that perfect balance between culture and nature – just look at all the iguanas you'll see lazing around. The ancient Maya appreciated this, and each area represented one of the elements – earth, water, wind and fire.'

Then we'll take some time to look around a Maya village and meet some members of the community. We'll find out about the traditions and customs of the village, before finishing up with a swim in a cenote. These freshwater sinkholes were sacred to the ancient Maya. A bit of snorkelling in this hallowed cavern is the ideal way to round off your experience.

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What's included
  • check Transport
  • check Guide
  • check Skip-the-line ticket
  • check Snack
  • check Soft drinks
  • check Coffee or tea
What to remember
  • This is a private tour option. When selecting this tour, there will be different options depending on your group size. Please select the corresponding option in the dropdown menu with your group size, eg for 2 adults, select 2 adults and then the 'Tour For 1-2 People' option
  • Bring bathing gear and sunblock
  • Bring insect repellent
  • Bring a hat
  • Bring suitable footwear
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 1 day before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 7 reviews from verified customers


Review categories



Value for money






  • Lisa

    From United States of America - August 2024

    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


    The private tour of Tulum experience was perfect for our party of 6. It was an early start 7.20 but this got us to Tulum for opening and there were no ...

  • Sue

    From United States of America - June 2023

    Traveled as a couple


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    Learned so much and did lots of different activities. Our guide, Justine was very informative and made our trip special, the drivers were also very w ...

  • Gill

    From United Kingdom - November 2022

    Traveled as a couple


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    It was fantastic best trip we have been on. Jose was do knowledgeable. He was an excellent guide. The driver also called Jose made us feel safe the w ...

  • Lees-Brown

    From United Kingdom - October 2022

    Traveled as a couple


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    We had a fantastic experience overall.. Tulum ruins and views were spectacular and Gustavo our guide was very knowledgable and explained every little ...

  • Julia Long

    From United Kingdom - August 2022

    Traveled with family


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


    We had the best day. Glad we went early as was so hot. It was more than we could have imagined and Coralie - our guide was exceptional. So knowledgeab ...

  • PaulG

    From United Kingdom - July 2022

    Traveled with family


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    Unfortunately I did not think our guide was particularly good - Ewa, she seemed to give a lot of her own opinions on things rather than explain more a ...

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